Elephant in the Room

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December 28, 2022

What is Our Elephant in the Room Series?

To cap off an amazing year, we’re taking this opportunity to go down Memory Lane. Throughout 2022, we created a blog each month to discuss some of the harder topics that can accompany aging. Our Elephant in the Room Series addressed complex issues and offered recommendations on the best ways to navigate various issues, from […]

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November 28, 2022

The Best Gifts Don’t Have to Break the Bank!

’Tis almost the season! Time to prepare for gathering and gifting. With so many fun things to buy and so many techy items available these days, it’s tough to keep up on the latest and greatest—especially when shopping for teenage grandkids. While online shopping is a great option, sometimes going back to basics when it […]

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October 28, 2022

6 Tips for Celebrating Together This Season

Pumpkin pie, turkey, glowing fireplaces, and twinkle lights are all just around the corner! While the holidays are exciting, each passing year brings change, and your gathering table may look different. Whether your dearest family or friends have enhanced care needs, or limited mobility, or reside in memory care or an assisted living community, all […]

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September 30, 2022

Elephant In The Room: How Can I Pay For That? Medicaid Vs. Medicare

What do hospital gowns and insurance have in common? You’re usually not as covered as you think you are! Now that we’ve captured your undivided attention, let’s talk about insurance. We know, it’s fascinating stuff, but honestly, not knowing could cost you! Medicare open enrollment is October 15th-December 7th, and it’s almost here. While Medicare […]

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Elephand in the Room Image and blog logo

August 24, 2022

Elephant In The Room: Advice For The Sandwich Generation

August is National Sandwich Month! Before you imagine a thick slice of bacon and a garden-fresh tomato on a BLT, the sandwich fillings we’re referring to are a group of folks who are “sandwiched” into being caregivers for both their children and their aging parents – they’re known as “The Sandwich Generation.” Taking care of […]

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July 27, 2022

Where Are My Mom’s Things?

You arrive at your mom’s house for a visit and she tells you that someone is stealing from her. She can’t find her checkbook and thinks she’s missing other things, too. You can’t help but feel anxious. As you walk through her house, you notice that her cupboards and drawers look like someone’s ransacked them. […]

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How-To-Help-Stay-Hydrated title near gray elephant for elephant in the room blog series

June 27, 2022

Elephant In The Room: How To Stay Hydrated This Summer

Remember being a kid in the summer, running around all day long in the sun on a freeze pop and a few sips straight from the garden hose? Most of us were not concerned with getting the right amount to drink. Now that we’ve aged, just thinking about that makes us want to pour a […]

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May 26, 2022

Elephant In The Room: How To Help Seniors With Mental Health

Aging is a gift denied to many. Becoming grandparents, having the time to stop and smell the flowers, or playing a round of golf on a weekday morning are things we hope to enjoy as we age. While those things make us happy, at the same time, we may lose loved ones more often, undergo […]

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Blog graphic: Elephant-in-the-Room-Series-UTI

April 27, 2022

Elephant In The Room: Could Mom’s Confusion Be A Urinary Tract Infection?

Did you know that a simple urinary tract infection, or, “UTI” may cause confusion in seniors?  This topic is absolutely another one of those “elephants in the room.” The thought of a UTI is anything but heartwarming and easy to talk about, but it’s important to know the symptoms. For seniors, UTIs can create some […]

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March 28, 2022

Elephant in the Room: Why Can’t I Eat Whatever I Want?

Think back on the last great meal that you had… What did you have to eat? Where did you eat your meal? Did you prepare it, or did someone else? Who joined you? That last question is important because it’s tough to imagine eating a truly delicious meal alone. It seems like there’s more than […]

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