
November 12, 2014

National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

An official wire released by the President of the U.S. on Nov. 1, 2014, the first day of National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, stated that more than 5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease.

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November 6, 2014

5 Healthy Thanksgiving Meal Ideas

During the holidays it’s easy for us to put our health second and dive into second slices of apple pie, but there are numerous easy ways to make Thanksgiving a healthy holiday.

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October 31, 2014

7 Scary Movies for Halloween

If you’re looking for something to do this Oct. 31, consider getting together with assisted living retirement home personnel to plan a viewing of your favorite scary flick!

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October 25, 2014

The Benefits of Pilates for Seniors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults complete at least 2.5 hours of moderately intense exercise per week.

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October 15, 2014

Have Your Cake & Eat it Too!

For those who have a sweet tooth, resisting the dessert menu is often a challenging feat, but there are plenty of healthy dessert options.

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October 10, 2014

Honoring National Depression Screening Day

National Depression Screening Day is part of mental illness awareness week each October.

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October 10, 2014

The Perks of Having a Workout Buddy

The benefits of exercise and physical activity are seemingly endless. Not only does working out strengthen your muscles, it improves your endurance, helps your heart, lowers your risk of conditions such as cholesterol and cancer, boosts your mood, provides you with more energy, helps you maintain a healthy weight and the list goes on.

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October 9, 2014

Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

When it comes to retirement community food, you may want to change your tune.

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September 19, 2014

Seniors Beware of Financial Scams!

You work hard most of your adult life and play by the rules in order to have your pick of retirement living options and be comfortable in this stage of life.

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September 19, 2014

3 Benefits of an Assisted Living Community

As we grow older, we develop a firmer sense of self, an understanding of what we want out of life and a solid foundation of support from friends and loved ones.

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