Are You Ready for Assisted Living?

December 16, 2022

That question raises another: Who’s ever 100% ready to make a major life change? Think back to all of the beginning stages of your life’s work. There was probably both excitement and uncertainty, all in one, when you started something new. This is absolutely no different from the assisted living chapters of our stories.

One of the first things we need to realize when we think of assisted living is that the environment has changed. For that, we’re all grateful!

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Peace of mind that someone is always there helps residents keep moving and keep doing the very things that make them who they are. Assisted living is designed for people to keep their independence and identity.

It’s rare in assisted living that you’ll find a “cold” feeling with white walls, unpleasant odors, or sad faces. We all work diligently every day to keep that stereotype a thing of the past. When considering assisted living, it’s best to begin thinking of all the benefits!

Here’s What Assisted Living Offers:

Resisting Change is Common

Moving to assisted living can open up an emotional can of worms for prospective residents and their families. In some cases, families face the tough emotions that come with change, as their relative or loved one sells a home they’ve known for a lifetime.

Change takes time, but waiting too long can be even worse than the fear of change itself. Making a transition to assisted living sooner may help seniors avoid unnecessary dangers and health complications that can arise from trying to make ends meet on their own for too long.

Signs it May be Time for Assisted Living:

With holiday events on the horizon, perhaps now is a good time for us to observe our loved ones for changes. If your gathering is not the best time to discuss a move to assisted living, perhaps a follow-up conversation soon after could be useful. If you’re worried about your loved one’s safety or you’re observing significant changes to their abilities, please don’t wait too long to talk with them about the benefits of moving to assisted living.

If you could use some support in talking through fears or uncertainties, please contact us at We’d love to show you how we can help and how we can make the move less scary. One of our most helpful options to guide seniors through this big decision is a short-term stay. Under no obligation to commit to a long-term move, seniors can try assisted living with the comfort of knowing that their home is still an option when they choose Edgewood.

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