Who’s Going to Give Your Eulogy?

March 28, 2023

The recent buzz in the media is that President Biden has been asked to deliver former President Jimmy Carter’s eulogy—when his time comes. Former President Carter is currently being served by hospice. Following several health issues over the years, Carter, age 98, reportedly opted to utilize hospice for added comfort.

The idea of a eulogy or the thought of hospice is tough for many to consider. These ideas signify the end. The end is scary. Most chapters are when you think about it. Who’s going to deliver your eulogy? What do you want your funeral to look like? These are very tough concepts to chew on, but they lead to an important idea: getting prepared. Have you created a burial trust or expressed your wishes to your family?


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Proper Planning

None of us know when the end might be. We don’t know when we’ll say the last “I love you” or give our last hugs, but we know we’ll all be there someday, so let’s talk about planning.

Funerals go far beyond choosing a ham bun and macaroni salad for the menu—although being on the receiving end of that meal can be quite comforting in one’s time of grief. Did you know the average funeral costs $7,848? This figure is according to the National Funeral Directors Association. They’ve also provided a figure stating that the average number of Americans who have planned their funerals is around 21%.

A thousand moments that I had just taken for granted, mostly because I had assumed that there would be a thousand more.

Morgan Matson

By planning for our funerals, we could save families the difficult and often expensive decision-making that can come from being in a state of grief. It may allow them to use the time to grieve rather than feeling obligated to choose high-dollar items for a sending-off.

Spending money can sometimes make us feel better— who hasn’t purchased a silly souvenir on a trip because we felt a certain way at the time? Now, imagine the worst and being presented with modestly priced memorial options versus extravagant items. When you sprinkle grief and the need to honor your loved one all over the situation, what’s likely to happen? Each family’s budget is what it is, but for some, that could mean unplanned and unnecessary debt. Being proactive could give some comfort to your family when the time comes.

The Following Can Help:

End-of-Life Celebration Ideas to Consider:

Speak to your family or write a list of your wishes and keep it somewhere safe. There’s never a convenient time to pencil in a loved one’s death, so planning for your arrangements could be your opportunity to help your loved ones for the last time.

If you’re looking for additional resources to plan for your later years, please check out Edgewood Healthcare’s blog page by clicking here. We’ve got information for those who need advice from the folks who have been through a tough time or two. If you’re interested in senior living, please get in touch with us at info@edgewoodhealthcare.com.

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